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Знаменити тромпетисти в джаза (Famous Jazz Trumpet Players/ Знаменитые джазовые трубачи)

Знаменити тромпетисти в джаза (Famous Jazz Trumpet Players/ Знаменитые джазовые трубачи)
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Цена: 600p.

Знаменити тромпетисти в джаза (Famous Jazz Trumpet Players/ Знаменитые джазовые трубачи)

Альбом: 1 пласт.
Запись: гг.
Тип записи: стерео
Оборотов в мин.: 33
Состояние (диск/конверт): очень хорошее / отличное
Производство: Болгария
Фирма: Балкантон

Side I
Louis Armstrong ROYAL GARDEN BLUES CI. Williams

Clark Terry RETURN TO SWAHILLI Cl. Terry

Dizzie Gillespie BIRKS WORKS D. Gillespie

Side II

Bill Chase CLOSE TIGHT B. Chase

Maynard Ferguson FIESTA Ch. Corea

In the history of Jazz the trumpet has always played a significant part and its importance as a leading instrument is an indisputable fact. Even the earliest pioneers of jazz had unambiguously shown their preference to the trumpet. The names of the legendary New Orleans cornet players — Buddy Bolden, Freddie Keppard, King Joe Oliver and their great successor Louis Armstrong — are evidence enough of the significant role that instrument has always played ever since the dawn-of-jazz limes.
Chosen for its powerful and brilliant tone as an instrument that can most convincingly play a tune, it has naturally come to be the leader in various types of smaller bands as well as to play an eminent role in the bigger formations later on.
It's not for nothing that the first trumpet in a big band is being called leader of the band. For lie actually is the man who leads the whole band just as a concertmaster leads his symphonic orchestra.
The present record aims at bringing to notice some of the most prominent jazz trumpets in the world to the Bulgarian jazz fans. From Louis Armstrong and Dizzie Gilespie, Clark Terry, Maynard Ferguson and Freddie Hubbard through Bill Chase you are going to listen to a concise version of the history of the trumpet in jazz, to listen to the mastery of six great trumpets of different styles and generations.
The tunes chosen do truly and completely reflect the unique qualities of the interpreters as well as some of the significant points in the development of trumpet playing style within the context of Jazz.
1 am hoping this record is going to agree with the tastes and interests of jazz fans in our country and that the various different interpretations will satisfy the younger and the somewhat older generations of listeners as well.
Lyudmil Gеогgiev

  • ISBN: BTA-1963
  • Артикул: 34471
  • Вес доставки: 250гр
  • Бренд: Балкантон